Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

I have run two Olympic 'A' standard times over the past 12 months and with the time I ran at the African Championships last week I know my speed and fitness are constantly improving so that I will peak in time for the Olympics.



Enter the date of the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP):

Embark on Your Journey with Our Pregnancy Due Date Calculator!

Hey, Future Moms! Buzzing with excitement and eager to find out when you’ll meet your little one? You’ve just hit the jackpot! Our user-friendly Pregnancy Due Date Calculator is designed to unveil the estimated time of those first magical giggles. Just pop in the details, and let the enchanting journey begin!

Unlocking the Mystery: How Does the Pregnancy Due Date Calculator Work?

Determining your due date is like assembling a delightful baby puzzle! Given that most pregnancies last about 38 weeks, not everyone is certain of when they conceived. Fear not! Regardless of whether you know the day or not, we’re equipped with some savvy tricks to assist you!

Unsure of the Conception Day? No Worries with Our Pregnancy Due Date Calculator!

  • First Day of Your Last Period: Starting with what you know, add 40 weeks to the first day of your last period, and voila! We take into account those typical 28-day cycles and the usual ovulation patterns, creating a bit of pregnancy magic!
  • Conception Date: If you’re confident about the day you conceived, that’s splendid! Opt for this feature in our calculator, and let’s uncover when you’ll be greeting your baby!
  • IVF Transfer Date: For those who received the joyful news through IVF, count 261 days from a Day 5 embryo transfer or 263 days from a Day 3 transfer. There you have it, the anticipated date of your baby’s grand arrival!

Embracing the Unexpected: Can the Due Date Alter?

Life and pregnancy are full of surprises! If an early ultrasound depicts your baby at a varying size than anticipated, we might adjust the due date slightly, particularly if your cycles are somewhat irregular. It’s all part of the thrilling adventure!

Why Your Due Date is a Cherished Companion

Realizing your estimated due date is like having a supportive companion on this extraordinary journey! It aids in planning, sets your expectations, and even reveals fun tidbits like your baby’s likely birthstone and zodiac sign!

Patience and Anticipation: The Arrival of Your Baby

Patience, cherished friend! A due date is our most educated guess, but babies operate on their unique timeline! Merely 5% of babies make their entrance precisely on time, but anytime within two weeks before or after is within the realm of possibility!

Eager to Know? Timing Your Pregnancy Test

Anxious to commence this journey? Exercise a bit of patience! For the most accurate outcome, conduct a pregnancy test a few days following your missed period. While home tests gauge hCG levels, a blood test at the doctor’s can identify pregnancy even sooner, approximately six to eight days post-ovulation!

Ready to Discover? Utilize Our Pregnancy Due Date Calculator!

Thrilled to learn when you’ll be cradling your baby? Give our Pregnancy Due Date Calculator a try! Stay tuned for additional tips, resources, and inspiration as you step into this wondrous journey!

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